GSN Review: Drinkmate OmniFizz

Drinkmate prides itself on being the only brand that can carbonate any beverage. Thanks to its patented Fizz Infuser, Drinkmate can add bubbles of any beverage, even reviving flat ones back to fizzy life. You can directly add tasty fizz to water, juices, iced tea, and much more. 

The OmniFizz comes with a 60 Liter CO2 carbonator so you can start carbonating right away. It also includes the OmniFizz machine, 1 BPA-free 1 Liter reusable carbonating bottle, and Fizz Infuser. The unit is elegantly styled in a small footprint that saves counter space. Best of all it requires no electricity or batteries. The OmniFizz is available in several decorative finishes to match your kitchen or bar décor.

GSN’s Remarks: We tried a multiplicity of liquids to see just how well they would carbonate. The best tended to be clear juices, wines and teas. For thicker juices like orange, pineapple or tomato, the results were not as appealing, but considering the low price point, we can’t argue. Of course adding a bit of fizz to cocktails is really the draw here for readers of GSN. We tried carbonating a few classics: Negroni, Margarita and Lemon Drop. All worked well and added an interesting texture to the libations. Cleaning was easy and operation is quick and simple. It’s well worth getting a unit and experimenting. Who knows? You may come up with a new favorite for your home bar! GSN Rating: A-

For more information go to: Idrink Products

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