GSN Review: Silent Pool Gin

Silent Pool Gin, a style of London Dry Gin crafted from 24 botanicals and locally sourced honey, is commencing its widespread distribution in the United States, following William Grant & Sons’ acquisition of the brand in Fall 2023. While Silent Pool Gin has been in limited availability in the States before, this spring marks the start of its broad distribution, making it available nationwide.

Silent Pool Gin was created by Ian McCulloch and friends who came together with a vision to handcraft a new kind of London Dry Gin that encapsulates the outstanding natural beauty of England’s rural landscapes. This endeavor brought them to the serene banks of the fabled Silent Pool, a charming spring-fed pool nestled deep in the Surrey Hills famed for its stunning teal colors and storied origins that date back to the last Ice Age.

Drawing inspiration from Silent Pool’s rich history and breathtaking beauty, Ian undertook the transformation of a collection of dilapidated farm buildings on the Duke of Northumberland’s Albury Estate into a thriving distillery. Thus, Silent Pool Gin was born in 2015, a tribute to its place of origin. The startling teal color of the bottle reflects Silent Pool’s jewel-like coloring, while the handcrafted copper patterns adorning the bottle depict intricate botanical illustrations that subtly hint at the legends surrounding the pool.

Silent Pool Gin is crafted using a blend of botanicals inspired by the indigenous florals in the village of Albury, including local lavender, chamomile, elderflower and linden. This thoughtful selection of local ingredients perfectly captures the essence of Silent Pool and the picturesque Surrey Hills, reflecting the precision akin to the art of perfume-making. The process involves skillfully layering aromas to achieve a beautifully balanced and exquisite flavor profile.

Silent Pool Gin’s layered flavor profile is the result of a thorough four-step distillation process, and individual care and attention to detail at each stage, that sets it apart from other London Dry Gins:

  • The Maceration: Firstly, local herbal and spicy botanicals undergo maceration in a tank with Neutral Grain Spirit and water for 24 hours, imparting their flavors into the spirit.
  • Tea Infusion: A critical step in Silent Pool Gin’s creation, local floral botanicals are then steeped separately to extract delicate floral notes.
  • Vapor Basket: Before distillation, a head basket is installed atop the pot still, allowing alcohol vapors to pass through the botanicals and enriching the gin’s complexity.
  • Pot: Before starting the distillation process, three additional botanicals are directly added into the pot to further enhance the flavor, including a good helping of local Aubrey honey. This local honey, sourced from the beehives situated directly behind the distillery, is the key botanical that imparts Silent Pool Gin’s unique rich texture. At the end of this process, a medley of flavors emerges characterized by floral aromas, dominant juniper and herbal notes, and a finish highlighted by rounded pear flavors and a subtle hint of honey.

Silent Pool Gin also relies on a vintage wood-fired boiler to energize its unique copper still. To complement this crucial element, custom-made stainless steel tanks are utilized from Slovenia, ensuring precision and quality in every aspect of the production process.

Silent Pool Gin, bottled at 43% ABV with an SRP of $59.99, is now available in the United States. 

GSN’s Remarks: Sprightly nose of juniper laced with bright tones of lemon and elderflower. On the tongue, there is a round softness produced by the honey. There is a slight honeyed flavor as well, that becomes more prominent as time goes on. The overall effect of the gin is one of rich, summery warmth framed by a wintery prickle of pine. The finish is extra long and ends on a dryish note. A fine gin that begs for a craft cocktail. GSN Rating: A+

For more information go to: Silent Pool Gin


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